Changing lives through music

Our mission is to ensure that all children and young people can experience music and creative opportunities that are relevant to them and responsive to their needs in a changing world.

Featured News

Our Director is moving on!

Philip Flood, Director of Sound Connections, will be leaving the charity after 14 years at the end of September 2024. He took on the role in 2010 and went onto establish it as a leading music education charity taking it from its role supporting young people and organisations in London to having a national and international profile.

Sound Connections exists to create change. We work across the music community to achieve inclusion, equity and social justice. We do this through supporting young people, the music education workforce, and the wider music education sector. In addition to delivering charitable programmes, we offer a comprehensive consultancy service for music, arts, cultural and heritage organisations.

Meet our team

Our dedicated team work across our specialisms to create high quality musical opportunities for young Londoners, support music practitioners and strengthen the music sector.

And they are backed by our board of trustees who oversee the governance of Sound Connections and guide us on our mission to achieve our charitable objectives.

Meet our team