Sector Support

As a leader in inclusion, we work with Music Hubs and dozens of arts, culture and heritage organisations supporting them to develop and improve how they work with young people.

What we do

  1. Deliver sector-leading training on Youth Voice and Participation, as part of our training and professional development programme and in-house for organisations
  2. Host the Youth Voice Network – termly meetings to share experiences of working in a youth-led way, have time to meet others championing this work, and share ideas, knowledge and best-practice.
  3. Develop resources such as the Youth Voice and Participation Handbook
  4. Undertake action-research projects such as The Music Lab which explored youth voice and agency within classical music-making.
  5. Support Music Hubs to develop their Youth Voice work through our investment programme, Activate.

Get in Touch

To discuss your needs please get in touch with our Sector Support Programme Manager, Liz Coomb